About Us

Independent Investors Association (IIA) – Clarifying the Experience, Ethics and Commitment To Excellence of Real Estate Investors


Independent Investors Association is a service of Real Estate Community Network.

We created this tool to allow investors, wholesalers, Buyers, Sellers & other professionals to find each other and identify the experience level of the people they are working with

Like the National Association that helps Real Estate Agents gain and demonstrate better skills and ethics, the IIA is here to identify, certify and qualify independent investors so that their clients and associates can better understand the quality and experience they are working with

For example:
A “wholesaler” or “Real Estate Investor” may be totally new to the game. They may not know the laws, or how to provide quality information on the properties. They may even be less than forthright in their offerings. – Their level of IIA certification will help you understand and determine that, and will help them learn to improve their skills and capabilities.

There are two main categories of IIA certifications: Knowledge and Experience

Knowledge is a skills test -requires no actual investment of cash in real estate, and simply sets standards for how professionals should explain and offer their deals, and places a standard definition on the calcualtions and analysis

Experience speaks ONLY to how long a professional has owned real estate in their name or that of their entity.

GET CERTIFIED HERE as a member (FREE) of IIA and begin your path to certification



Independent Investors Association is a service of Real Estate Community Network.

We created this tool to allow investors (Real Estate right now), Buyers, Sellers & other professionals to find each other and identify the experience level of the people they are working with.
